Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Update: MTG Doctor 12.1.10

In this releases of MTG Doctor we have added the following:
  • Improved Mana Curve
Improved Mana Curve: Mana Curve has been expanded to now also include the distribution of the colors per cost. This allows for additional distribution information to be glanced right away. Holding down on a given color section will further filter the cards and show only the ones that have the given color. 
Mana Curve for a White/Blue deck.

Have a Feature that you would like to see in MTG Doctor? Go to the Extras screen and send us an email. We are constantly looking to improve MTG Doctor. Who knows? Your feature might just become a permanent part of MTG Doctor.

Special Thanks

Special thanks on this release go to:
  • Kevin Johnson - For suggesting the Mana Curve improvements.

Update: MTG Doctor 12.1.0

In this releases of MTG Doctor we have added the following:
  • Kaladesh - Cards added.
  • Energy Tracker - Battle helper now tracks energy
  • Android Wear - Support for android wear.
Kaladesh - Cards added: Latest cards from Kaladesh have been added into MTG Doctor. 
Kaladesh Set

Energy Tracker: Battle Helper Nexus has been expanded to support Energy counters. You may now track energy along with life points and all the other trackers currently supported.

Energy tracker support has been added.

Android Wear: What better way to welcome a technology based set than adding some new technology to MTG Doctor. For this release we have added our initial support of Android Wear. If you have an Android Wear device connected the next time you open the Battle Helper you will see your trackers displayed on your wear device. This will allow you to keep track of your life points and energy counters without having to reach for your phone. 

Battle Helper on Square Face.

Have a Feature that you would like to see in MTG Doctor? Go to the Extras screen and send us an email. We are constantly looking to improve MTG Doctor. Who knows? Your feature might just become a permanent part of MTG Doctor.

Special Thanks

Special thanks on this release go to:
  • Mudd Guy - For suggesting the Energy trackers.