The 'Deck View' shows the cards present in the active deck. Each card is separated in each own section based on its type in order to make finding a given card easier. Within each section the cards are organized in alphabetical order by their name.
'Deck' View |
In this view you can also save your deck to the SD card. Currently three formats are supported: dec, dek, and txt. In order to select the format during save time simply add the extension to your file name. For example if you wanted to save your deck in dek format you would name it something like "GrullAggro.dek". MTG Doctor will handle the rest. If no type is specified MTG Doctor will save the deck as a ".txt".
Saving a deck to SD |
LONG PRESS: Holding down the 'Save' button prepares the deck to be sent via email.
Deck list ready to be sent |